5 Air-Cooled Solid State Diode lasers
- 405nm (100mW Violet laser)
- 488nm (100mW Blue laser)
- 552nm (100nW Light Green laser)
- 640nm (40mW Red laser)
- 355nm (60mW UV laser)
- 16 Fluorescent Detectors
- Software
- Digital data acquisition with software compensation
- BD FACSDiVa data acquisition
- Temperature Control for sample and sorted populations
- Sort collection devices
- 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 5ml, 15ml, and 50ml tubes
- 60w, 72w Terasaki plates
- Slides and Chamber Slides
- BSL II Plus Lab
- Baker BioProtect III Hood enclose
- BD Aerosol Management System
- Maintained and QC’ed daily to ensure hardware and data consistency