PI Paulo Fontes

Co Investigator Gorantla, Solari, Maul, Vodovotz

Title Ex-Vivo Machine Perfusion with a Novel Oxygen Carrier System to enhance graft preservation and immunologic outcomes
Description: This study will reproduce our initial successful experience with livers in a very challenging transplant model (9 hours of cold ischemia time – CIT). The CTA will be preserved under these new conditions (machine perfusion with a HBOC solution) and compared to the current standard of care. This study is specifically designed to improve the functionality of the CTA tissues (e.g. muscular, neural) after transplantation. The central hypothesis is to demonstrate the benefits of full tissue perfusion and oxygenation during the graft preservation period.


Term 09/15/2013 – 09/14/2015

Amount $196,782