Steven Belle, PhD, MScHyg
Dr. Steven Belle is currently a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Public Health, at the University of Pittsburgh and a Co-Director in the Epidemiology Data Center in the Pitt Public Health. He holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Biostatistics, also in Pitt Public Health.
Dr. Belle received his MScHyg in Biostatistics at the University of Pittsburgh and then went on to the University of Michigan to receive his PhD, also in Biostatistics. Prior to joining the University, Dr. Belle held a position as Chief of Biostatistics in the Division of Epidemiology at the Michigan Cancer Foundation, Detroit, Michigan. In 2003, he was honored by election as a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and in 2018 he was elected as a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials. He was also elected to the Delta Omega Honor Society in Public Health-Omicron Chapter.
The research focus for Dr. Belle is on designing, coordinating, and analyzing data from clinical trials and patient and procedure registries. Major areas of application include aging (cognitive impairment, dementia, and caregiving), liver-related diseases and issues and weight management. Many of his studies examine quality of life.
Dr. Belle’s current projects include:
- The Physiology of the Weight Reduced State Data Coordinating Center (Corresponding PI)
- Hepatitis B Clinical Research Network. Data Coordinating Center (Principal Investigator)
- Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Data Management and Statistics Core Principal Investigator)
Dr. Belle is a member of the following professional organizations:
- American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
- American Statistical Association
- Biometric Society-East North American Region
- Gerontological Society of America; Obesity Society
- Society for Behavioral Medicine
- Society for Epidemiologic Research
- Society for Clinical Trials
Dr. Belle is a reviewer for many journals, including Hepatology, The Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Journal of Applied Gerontology, and the New England Journal of Medicine. He chairs a Data Safety and Monitoring Board for an NIH-funded series of projects, and has chaired and been a member of several ad-hoc reviews for the NIH.
View a list of Dr. Belle’s publications here.