Spencer A. Brown, PhD
Dr. Spencer Brown is the Director of Surgical Research, Department of Surgery, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Camden, New Jersey. He is also the President of StemPlant LLC, a new medical device company. Prior to his appointment at Cooper in 2014, Dr. Brown was the Executive Director for the UPMC Center for Innovation in Restorative Medicine, Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Brown completed his undergraduate studies at Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and earned his PhD in Lipid Metabolism from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He completed his post-doctoral studies in Molecular Biology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He received pre- and post-doctoral training grants in Cardiovascular Research from the NIH.
Dr. Brown’s distinguished career spans three decades starting as Research Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine with Dr. Antonio Gotto and Dr. Wolfgang Patsch in Houston, followed by Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Medicine and then Assistant Professor at the Sarah W. Stedman Nutrition Center, all at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina. While in North Carolina, Dr. Brown was the Founder of Zen-Bio Inc., a biotech company specializing in the adipose tissue and fat stem cells. He also was an Assistant Research Professor and Director of Research in the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He had the honor of serving as President Elect of the International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and Science Society (IFAT) in 2010 and in 2011 became a Member of IFAT’s Board of Directors.
View a list of Dr. Brown’s publications here.