Sanjeev G. Shroff, PhD
Dr. Sanjeev Shroff is the Distinguished Professor of and Gerald E. McGinnis Chair in Bioengineering and Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Since August 2022, he is serving as the Interim Dean of the Swanson School of Engineering.
Prior to joining the faculty at Pitt, Dr. Shroff was a faculty member at the University of Chicago in the Department of Medicine (Cardiology Section). Trained as an electrical engineer (Bachelor of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, and Master of Engineering from McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada), Dr. Shroff obtained his doctoral degree in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania and completed his Postdoctoral Fellowship within the Cardiovascular-Pulmonary Division of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Medicine.
Dr. Shroff is widely recognized as a distinguished scholar in the cardiovascular arena, with the following focus areas: 1.) relationships between left ventricular mechano-energetic function and underlying cellular processes, with a special emphasis on contractile and regulatory proteins and post-translational regulation of cardiac contraction (e.g., via phosphorylation or acetylation); the role of pulsatile arterial load (vascular stiffness in particular) in cardiovascular function; and cardiovascular actions of relaxin and its therapeutic potential; the role of regional contraction dyssynchrony in global ventricular mechanics and energetics.
In addition to basic research, Dr. Shroff has developed and continues to develop novel, simulation-based material (i.e., mathematical models of biological systems and associated “virtual experiments”) for education and engineering design.
Dr. Shroff’s research efforts have been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), American Heart Association (AHA), National Science Foundation (NSF), and various companies, and he has received continuous funding from the NIH since 1986. He was the recipient of the prestigious Established Investigator Award from the AHA and was elected as a Fellow of the American Physiological Society, Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Fellow of Biomedical Engineering Society, and Fellow of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering. Recognized by his colleagues and peers as a consummate teacher and mentor, Dr. Shroff received the Carnegie Science Center Award for Excellence (University Educator) in 2007, the Swanson School of Engineering’s Outstanding Educator Award in 2010, and Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award in 2011. Dr. Shroff has been serving as the Principal Investigator on a NIH-NHLBI pre-doctoral training grant (T32 HL076124) entitled “Cardiovascular Bioengineering Training Program” since 2005.
View a list of Dr. Shroff’s publications here.
Dr. Shroff’s mailing address is:
302 Benedum Hall
3700 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261