Mohamed Salah El Masry MD, PhD
Dr. Mohamed Salah El Masry has received his medical degree from Zagazig University, School of Medicine (Egypt) where he also completed his general surgery residency and plastic surgery training. He earned his doctoral degree in Plastic Surgery from Zagazig University, School of Medicine, and The Ohio State University via a jointly sponsored program.
Prior to joining the McGowan Institute and the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. El Masry was Assistant Professor, Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery at Indiana University, as well as an investigator at the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering (ICRME). Dr. El Masry was also a research scholar at The Ohio State University, Department of Surgery. He previously served as an assistant lecturer in the Department of Plastic Surgery at Zagazig University.
Dr. El Masry’s primary research focus is regenerative medicine in wound healing. He developed a clinically relevant swine model that reproducibly recapitulates features characteristic of human critical limb ischemia (CLI) that is validated comprehensively by both non-invasive and invasive assessment and that lends itself to detailed mechanistic studies and interventional drug testing. Because CLI carries about 25% to 40% risk of major amputation with 20% annual mortality, it is critical to develop novel therapies that can decrease the amputation rate.
Additionally, Dr. El Masry has studied the effect of tissue scaffolds on the wound microenvironment by utilizing a stabilized collagen matrix dressing. The results of this study showed that the dressing contributed to the rapid resolution of inflammation at the wound site. Dr. El Masry’s laboratory is currently working on a novel wound care dressing to combat multidrug-resistant biofilm.
Dr. El Masry has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Molecular Therapy and The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal (FASEB J). He serves as a co-investigator on several grants funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). He serves on the editorial board of Advances in Wound Care and is on the education committee of the Wound Healing Society.
View a list of Dr. El Masry’s publications here.

Name: Dr. Mohamed Salah El Masry
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