Michel Modo, PhD
Dr. Mike Modo is a Professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of Pittsburgh. He holds secondary appointments in the Department of Bioengineering, the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine (MIRM), the Center for Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) and Centre for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP).
Dr. Modo is a neuroscientist who earned a BSc in Psychology at Royal Holloway University of London, and a PhD in Neurosciences from King’s College London (KCL). At KCL’s Institute of Psychiatry, he also completed his post-doctoral work in Neuroimaging. He is a fellow of the UK Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the American Society for Neural Therapy and Repair (ASNTR). In 2013, Dr. Modo received the Bernard Sanberg Memorial Award for Brain Repair from ASNTR and was the society’s president for 2017-2018. He was the co-chair of Tissue Engineering in Regenerative Medicine International Society’s (TERMIS) Neural & Spine TWIG from 2018-2019. He is an Associate Editor for Brain Research Bulletin and Frontiers in Neurology. He sits on the editorial boards of Neuroprotection, Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, and Cell Transplantation.
The main interest of Dr. Modo’s research lies in the restorative neurobiology following brain damage, especially stroke. An interdisciplinary approach is espoused that involves growth factors, stem cells, as well as biomaterials, with the main focus being on achieving behavioral recovery. To gain a better understanding of how these therapeutics achieve repair the damage brains, our laboratory also develops novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods that allow the visualization of stem cell migration, bioscaffold degradation and the monitoring of functional tissue restoration.
He currently serves on the editorial boards of Brain Research Bulletin, Cell Transplantation, Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy, Frontiers in Neurology, and Neuroprotection.
View a list of Dr. Modo’s publications here.
The Department of Radiology webpage is here.

Name: Dr. Michel Modo
Website: http://www.radiology.pitt.edu/ril.html
Email Address: mmm154@pitt.edu
Phone Number: (412) 383-7200