Gregory Constantine, PhD
Gregory Constantine is a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his MS and PhD in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Before working at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Constantine was an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and at Indiana University in Bloomington. While at the University of Pittsburgh, in addition to his research and teaching duties, he has served as a member of the Faculty Assembly, the University Senate, and spent some years as the Chairman of the Putnam Math Competition Committee in the Department of Mathematics.
Professor Constantine is a Member of the Society for Complexity in Acute Illness and the American Mathematical Society. In addition, he was a Fulbright Fellow and is a Lifetime Member of The Fulbright Association. Dr. Constantine is also a Foundation Fellow of the Institute for Combinatorics and Its Applications.
Active on several grants jointly with the Department of Surgery UPMC, he is funded by the Department of Defense and NIH. Among current projects are A Precision Medicine Approach Based on Discrete Time Windows for Predicting Outcomes of Polytrauma Patients and The Major Extremity Trauma and Rehabilitation Research.
Dr. Constantine was a Co-Investigator of the NIH/The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) grant entitled, “A Multi-Center Group to Study Acute Liver Failure in Children.” The goals of this effort are: To comprehensively characterize pediatric acute liver failure (PALF) phenotypes utilizing traditional clinical, biochemical, diagnostic, and management profiles supplemented by immune, inflammatory, and liver regeneration markers to identify factors that explain variations in outcomes for PALF phenotypes; and, to model the dynamics of PALF within and between distinct phenotypes using serially collected clinical, physiological, and biomarker data.
View a list of Dr. Constantine’s publications here.