Authors: Gharaibeh, B., A. Lu, J. Tebbets, B. Zheng, J. Feduska, M. Crisan, B. Péault, J. Cummins, and J. Huard.
Title: Isolation of a slowly adhering cell fraction containing stem cells from murine skeletal muscle by the preplate technique
Summary: This is an excellent documentation of all details and nuances of the preplate technique that answer questions regarding the preplate technique procedure that Gharaibeh and his colleagues are asked by specialists and others in the fields of skeletal muscle and adult stem cell biology. The authors Gharaibeh, Péault, Huard and other colleagues at the Stem Cell Research Center details a history of the technique with a long list of authors that have adopted the technique to isolate MDSC even if they were named different and compared different modifications to the technique made by different authorities. Furthermore, the article contains a thorough methods and materials section which is hyperlinked to the web sites of different vendors. It also contains a trouble shooting guide and excellent illustrations that explain the process.
Source: Nature Protocols. 3:1501-1509.