Lab Services Core
Clinical Laboratory Analysis
On-site clinical veterinary blood pathology laboratories (e.g., serum chemistry and hematology-CBCs) .) are available to Pitt investigators for the assessment of their research animals. When outsourced to contracted clinical pathology labs (e.g., IDEXX, Antech Diagnostics) , it takes ~ 18-24 hours to obtain results not to mention the associated risks with sample transporting via couriers, compromised cold chain shipping integrity, etc.
The CPCS maintains a state-of-the-art clinical pathology analyzer system, the Zoetis VS2 serum chemistry and HM5 hematology analyzers that provide complete clinical pathology profile analysis in minutes. The Zoetis system was selected due to extensive-documented validation of most small and large research animal models. This, performed under CPCS Quality Systems process, will provide our Pitt users with a high degree of accuracy and result reliability.

Specialized Sterilization Services
The CPCS has the Steris V-PRO S2 Sterilization system that provides low temperature sterilization via Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) for a variety of items that cannot be exposed to conventional steam (high -temp) or ethylene oxide (low-temp) sterilization due to the caustic nature of ETO and diminishing industry support of ethylene oxide sterilization units This system, purchased via the MIRM PA State COVID Grant, is currently undergoing equipment qualification (IQ/OQ/PQ) at the CPCS to ensure adequate validation of the new system. This service is an option for laboratories as an alternative approach for sterilization for medical devices and other heat-sensitive materials.