Grant of the Month | December 2020
PIs: David Vorp Title: Preclinical Optimization and Design for Manufacturability of Immunoregulatory Tissue-Engineered Vascular [...]
PIs: David Vorp Title: Preclinical Optimization and Design for Manufacturability of Immunoregulatory Tissue-Engineered Vascular [...]
PIs: Piervincenzo Rizzo Co-PIs: Samuel Dickerson, Ian Sigal, Ian Conner, [...]
PIs: D. Lansing Taylor, Jaideep Behari, and Alejandro Soto-Guttierrez Title: [...]
PIs: David H. Kohn, William V. Giannobile, David J. Mooney, [...]
PI: George Gittes Title: Alpha Cells Conversion to Beta Cells [...]
PI: Fabrisia Ambrosio PI: Thomas Rando Title: Alliance for Regenerative [...]
PI: David Vorp Title: The Role of Fibrinolysis in Tissue [...]
PI: Anita McElroy Co-PIs: Paul Duprex and Alan Wells Title: SARS-CoV-2 clinical [...]
PI: Takashi Kozai Title: CAREER: Uncovering the Impact of Traditional [...]
PI: Cecelia Yates Title: FibroKine™ biomimetic peptides as potential targeted [...]