Grant of the Month | December 2016
PI: Jennifer Collinger and Michael Boninger Title: Neural Control of [...]
PI: Jennifer Collinger and Michael Boninger Title: Neural Control of [...]
PI: Anne Robertson Title: Improving cerebral aneurysm risk assessment through [...]
PI: Andrew Schwartz Title: Enhanced Neural Prosthetics Using Shared-Mode Control [...]
PI: Timothy Corcoran and Robert Parker Title: Building Multilevel Models [...]
PI: Amanda Gillespie Co-I: Jackie L. Gartner-Schmidt, Clark Rosen, Jonathan [...]
PI: Robert Parker and Gilles Clermont Title: Endotypes of thrombocytopenia [...]
PI: Rocky S. Tuan Co-I: Peter Alexander and Riccardo Gottardi [...]
PI: Fabrisia Ambrosio, Bennett Van Houten Co-I: Aaron Barchowsky, Mauricio [...]
PI: J. Peter Rubin, MD Titles: PUMP Description: PUMP is a [...]
PI: Fabrisia Ambrosio and Aaron Barchowsky Co-PI: William Wagner, Antonio [...]