PI: Steven F. Badylak, DVM, PhD, MD
Title: Regenerative Medicine Approach to the Treatment of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in a Dog Model
Description: This study involves a combination of preclinical animal work and the treatment of clinical patients at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas at the Institute for Surgical Research. The work is based upon the bioinductive properties of an extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffold derived from porcine urinary bladder. This biologic scaffold contains a bimodal surface architecture which is supportive of epithelial cell growth on one surface and integration into an exposed wound on the opposite surface. The preclinical animal studies show the ability of the material to integrate into the full thickness wound bed. Seven patients have been treated and results show that the preclinical studies were predictive of the excellent biointegration that occurred in these patients. Complete epithelialization with no contracture was observed when the material was used to treat the donor sites of patients requiring split thickness skin grafts. This pilot safety study sets the stage for subsequent clinical applications and primary full thickness wounds in patients.
Source: PTEI (STRaC)
Term: 9/1/08 – 11/30/08
Amount: $95,000 add-on