PI Marina Kameneva
Title Multi-scale model of thrombosis in artificial circulation
Co-Investigators William Wagner, James Antaki
Description The objective of the project is to advance the accuracy and utility of a predictive model for thrombosis in blood-wetted cardiovascular devices. The research is built upon a combination of a previous model developed by the PI and colleagues for shear-mediated thrombosis and recent progress in modeling cellular-scale hemodynamics. Further incorporation of a model for synergy of platelet agonists is intended to yield a comprehensive design tool that is practical for design optimization of cardiovascular devices.
Computer simulations will predict the dynamic interaction of red blood cells (RBCs) with platelets (Plts) in blood flow, and will rely upon a sophisticated theory of interacting continua that can predict the distribution of cells in any arbitrary flow path. The model will be validated and calibrated by both micro-scale computer simulations and microscopic visualization of blood cells in micro-channels. The predictive capacity of model will be demonstrated in three benchmark applications: (1) parallel plate study incorporating various microscopic steps and crevices, (2) flow within blade tip of rotary blood pump, and (3) hydrodynamic bearing for rotary blood pump.
Source CMU via R01 from the NIH
Term 02/01/09 – 01/31/14 (2nd year funding received)
Amount: $829,618