G. Bard Ermentrout, PhD
Dr. G. Bard Ermentrout is currently a Distinguished University Professor of Computational Biology, a Professor of Mathematics, and an Adjunct Professor of Neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also on the Faculty of the Computational Neuroscience Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
After completing his BA/MA in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Ermentrout received his PhD in Biophysics and Theoretical Biology from the University of Chicago. At the University of Pittsburgh in 2008, Dr. Ermentrout received the Chancellors Distinguished Research Award and in 2012 he was named a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Dr. Ermentrout is interested in the applications of nonlinear dynamics to biological problems. His main focus is in the area of mathematical neuroscience where he tries to understand the patterns of activity in networks of neurons. He models recurrent activity, waves, and oscillations in a variety of neural systems including olfaction (sense of smell), rat whisker barrels, cortical slices, and working memory. Dr. Ermentrout is also interested in problems from physiology, immunology, and cell biology all of which he has modeled with students and postdocs.
View a list of Dr. Ermentrout’s publications here.