Touch probe passively powered wireless stent antenna for implanted sensor powering and interrogation

Inventors: Michael A. Rothfuss: Ervin Sejdic: Michael L. GIMBEL 

Patent Number: 11,272,840


A system and method for wirelessly and passively powering and/or interrogating an implanted stent using a touch probe assembly through a near-field electrical connection not over an air interface. The stent apparatus includes at least one stent member functioning as an antenna and an electronics module coupled to the at least one stent member. Also, a wirelessly and passively powered power meter for use with implanted stents. The power meter includes an electronics module coupled to a stent member, wherein the electronics module includes a programmable oscillator structured to generate an oscillating signal that is proportional to an amount of AC power received by the implantable stent apparatus power meter through the stent member.
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