Redox Stimulated Variable-Modulus Material

Inventors: Percy Calvo Marzal: Lisa Mauck Weiland: David H. Waldeck: William W. Clark: Tara Y. Meyer: Tianqi Pan: Rachel Dory Harris: Haitao Liu

Patent Number: 9,944,729


A material having a first non-zero elastic modulus capable of reversibly changing the first non-zero elastic modulus to a second non-zero elastic modulus in response to a redox reaction occurring in the material. A method of producing a material that is reversibly cyclable between a first non-zero elastic modulus and a second non-zero elastic modulus, comprising: preparing a polymer comprising both crosslinks that do not depend on metal binding and functional groups capable of having oxidation-state specific binding constants to a metal ion; and doping the polymer with a solution containing the metal ion.
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