Pneumatic Powered Mobility Devices

Inventors: Hongwu Wang: Rory A. Cooper Ph.D.: Brandon Joseph Daveler: Benjamin T. Gebrosky: Garrett G. Grindle: Jonathan L. Pearlman: Urs Schneider: David Minzenmay: Bernhard Budaker: Amir Ebrahimi

Patent Number: PCT/US2017/012123


A personal mobility device includes a frame, a plurality of wheels attached to the frame and one or more pneumatic motors. Each of the one or more pneumatic motors has a drive shaft in operative connection with at least one of the plurality of wheels. The personal mobility device further includes at least one tank (that is, a storage container) for storage of a pressurized gas in operative connection with the one or more pneumatic motors to supply pressurized gas to the one or more pneumatic motors and a control system in operative connection with the at least one tank and with the one or more pneumatic motors.
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