Mobile Caster

Inventors: Mark McCartney: Andrew M. Kwarciak Mr.: Rory A. Cooper Ph.D.: Jonathan L. Pearlman

Patent Number: 12/956,666


Caster alignment mechanism having a first component operably connected to a leg of a mobile device and a second component operably connected to a caster of the mobile device. The first and second components are positioned in parallel orientation to each other wherein alignment. of the caster with the leg of the mobile device is achieved by the attractive characteristics of the first component with an upper magnet to the second component with a lower magnet. One embodiment of the caster alignment mechanism includes a fixed gap between the upper magnet and the lower magnet for an always engaged or “on” mode. The fixed gap can be adjusted to vary magnetic field strength depending on user specifications for ease of turning. Another embodiment of the caster alignment mechanism includes a switching mechanism to change modes between engaged or “on” mode and disengaged or “off” mode.
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