Chemokine Derived Peptides And Uses For Chronic Wound And Angiogenesis Inhibition Treatments

Inventors: Jesse Jaynes: Alan H. Wells: Richard J. Bodnar: Timothy Turner: Cecelia C. Yates

Patent Number: 13/219,375


Disclosed are peptides having activity against receptor CXCR3 are disclosed that exhibit activity in preventing the formation of new vessels and activity in mediating the dissociation of newly-formed vessels and resolving of wounds in the later stages of wound healing. Preferred peptides are derived from the α-helix portion IP-10 (CXCL10) or from IP-9 (CXCL11), are nontoxic, and smaller than naturally occurring peptides, making them useful in therapies against diseases or disease states marked by unwanted angiogenesis, including tumorogenic diseases such as cancers, and in healing of chronic wounds.
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